One of the ROGER team members attended the LEXICOM Europe training in lexicography and lexical computing, held in Mikulov, Czech Republic. The workshop gathered scholars from Czech Republic, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Norway, Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Russia, South Africa. Researchers in lexicography, lexical computing, compiling dictionary texts (Oxford Dictionaries, Macmillan Dictionary), translation consultants participated both at lecture presentations (on dictionary landscape in 2019, evolution of digital instruments in this field, corpus processing, CQL) and at practical sessions, working on several corpora included in Sketch Engine or on their own developed corpus. By taking part at this workshop, members of ROGER team have gained access to Sketch Engine (a digital instrument useful in corpus analysis, exploring language in use and its functionality) and, and they will analyse the steps to be taken, in order to obtain free access for the whole FLIT community.

More information about LEXICOM and Sketch Engine here and here.
