May 2021, DIGITT series workshop – Literary studies in the digital age. From quantity to quality in literary studies and discourse analysis – at first year specializations, Romanian language and literature A+A’

Between the 12th and 20th of May 2020, students at the specialization Romanian A+A’ (first year) of the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology participated in a new workshop of the DIGITT series (Digital Linguistics Talks in Timisoara), entitled Literary studies in the digital age. From quantity to quality in literary studies and discourse analysis. Held online, the hands-on workshops presented the students free tools for corpus analysis, such as Voyant tools. On the basis of a literary corpus (comprised lyrical texts), students identified frequencies, metaphorical and non-metaphorical contexts of certain structures, aspects of subjectivity, practicing several functionalities of the digital instrument.


The workshop poster:

Screenshot with the students’ activity:

We thank students Maria David and Octavia Cojocaru (1st year, Romanian-English) for their screenshots!