Between May 24-27, 2019, the series of lecture events Digital Linguistics Talks Events in Timisoara (DIGITT) was launched, being promoted by the ROGER project team (Academic genres at the crossroads of tradition and internationalization:  Corpus-based interlanguage research on genre use in student writing at Romanian universities). The first lecture was  delivered by experts in the field of digital linguistics (Dr. Christian Rapp) and academic writing (Prof. Dr. Ottor Kruse), from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland.

The guests presented the Thesis Writer application, developed by ZHAW, demonstrating various ways that digital linguistics, through corpus linguistics, can be used by students as a tool for improving academic writing. The possibility of adapting the Thesis Writer application for Romanian language and its use at UVT was discussed. During the 3 days, the latest results of the ROGER project and possible new research directions within the project were also discussed.

Article contributors:
Loredana Bercuci
Mădălina Chitez
Andreea Dincă