The ROGER team has organised two workshops during the first ROGER project meeting (16-20 October 2017).


Genre theory: History, Research and Teaching
Prof. Dr. Otto Kruse,
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Zurich
Tuesday 17 October 2017, 13.00-15.00, room 223

Aplicații ale lingvisticii de corpus din perspectivă interdisciplinară. Modele de cercetare în lingvistica aplicată
Dr. Mădălina Chitez,
West University of Timișoara
ROGER Project Lead
Wednesday 18 October 2017, 13.00-15.00, room 223

Poster workshop

Workshop description:

On 17th and 18th October 2017, two workshops with interdisciplinary reach took place as part of the ROGER project (Academic genres at the crossroads of tradition and internationalization: Corpus-based-interlanguage research on genre use in student writing at Romanian universities), financed as part of the PROMYS Program carried out by the Swiss National Science Foundation and unfolding between 2017 and 2022 at the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology. Thirty teachers and researchers participated at the workshops, focusing on the main fields of interest that lie at the core of our project: academic writing and corpus linguistics.

The first workshop, Genre theory: History, Research and Teaching, was addressed to those interested in teaching and researching academic genres and was held by Professor Otto Kruse from the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich (Switzerland), a renowned specialist in this field, whose contributions include studies on the writing process, mapping academic genres and teaching academic writing with the help of digital tools. Professor Kruse delivered a systematic presentation of the methods currently employed in academic genre research, as well as of the research directions considered to be promising in the present, and exemplified several directions în teaching academic writing genres across several disciplines, such as the use of the online tool Thesis Writer as support for students writing graduation papers.

The second workshop, Aplicații ale lingvisticii de corpus din perspectivă interdisciplinară –modele de cercetare în lingvistica aplicată (Applications of corpus linguistics from an interdisciplinary perspective – research models in applied linguistics), was held by Dr. Mădălina Chitez from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, PI of the ROGER project, and focused on corpus linguistics, upon its basic principles and the possibilities of interdisciplinary research that it offers in various domains, from the methodology of teaching foreign languages to studies in the domain of sociology, history, politics, geography or applied mathematics.
